Hi I am Anne Fortier.
Thirty five years ago, when I first came here, I had been a single mother for many years. My children had entered their teen years and having had a positive church experience as a child, I set out to find a church home. It wasn’t until I cried with relief and recognition through several services that I began to understand how narrow my world had become just trying to hold our lives together. I was worn down on all sides. I realized that I had lost touch with being the adult I wanted to be. I had become fearful of trying.
It was quite a few weeks before I ventured to coffee hour and might not have ever returned had it not been for the legendary Lucille Needham’s touching my elbow and asking me to assist with coffee service the next week. Lucille taught me how to pour coffee from the silver pot to the precarious cup and saucer without making a mess. At that moment, I became a member.
Feeling like one belongs is very powerful. I slowly took on responsibilities and participated in many events from ushering to Membership to acting with the First Parish Players. What is important about working with others here is that each is an opportunity to stretch, be creative or vulnerable in some way and if I’m off beat, you have been pleasant and supportive anyway.
I have learned from you how to be present, how to be the person I am, how to be a friend and how to accept the help you have offered us when we have needed it.
Richard and I were married here 30 years ago. We brought together two households with four wonderful teenagers. We are thrilled that Caroline and Artur’s family and Jason and Michelle’s families are now active members here.
Have courage we say. Thank you for the encouragement. . You, my church, have made all the difference. I am endlessly grateful. This is my church home. This is why we give as generously as we can each year. And we are going to continue giving. No Sun City for us! We will be here for a while.