Adopting the 8th Principle at First Parish
We voted to adopt the 8th Principle at the June 12, 2022 annual meeting.
Our congregation has been engaged in anti racism work for a long time now. Many of you have been involved as we have looked inward and built community in our anti racism efforts. At this time we have an opportunity to continue our efforts and also support the work beyond our walls and within our denomination through the 8th Principle.
The 8th Principle states; “We the members of First Parish in Concord, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.” Here is detailed background information.
In early 2022, members of the Racial Justice Action Group RJAG held information and discussion sessions with our fellow church members to build understanding and commitment in the congregation to adopt the 8th Principle at our June meeting. With worship staff support, we led an 8th Principle service on April 24th. Here is the link
The 8th principle was originally drafted in 2013 after leaders in the black UU community realized that the seven principles did not expressly address racism or other oppressions at the systemic level.
Since then, Black Lives UU (BLUU) and Diverse Revolutionary UU Ministries (DRUUM) have endorsed the adoption of this principle as a way to hold UUs and the UUA accountable for their stated commitment to becoming an anti-racist, multicultural institution. BLUUe also explains how the 8th Principle is tied to our 7 Principles from a Black perspective.
Adopting the 8th Principle at First Parish affirms our congregation’s commitment to work to dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves, our church, and our denomination.
Join us at First Parish in Concord and on the Racial Justice Action Group as we continue our journey on dismantling systemic racism and white supremacy in our community and ourselves.