Advocates for Women’s Empowerment (AWE)

Leaders: Suzie Weaver & Lora Venesy

Meets: Contact Suzie at for the date and time of next meeting and also if you wish to subscribe to the AWE newsletter.

AWE formed in response to a vote at the 2012 UU General Assembly, to support reproductive justice as a faith.  Activities include:  Advocacy at the Statehouse, marches, volunteering, educational events such as monthly feminist films, book discussions, and presentations.  AWE is open to anyone, regardless of gender, sexuality, identity, faith, etc. We envision a world where all genders work to promote choices, access and agency, and to optimize women’s quality of life by removing social, economic, political and institutional barriers.  AWE is a social action group dedicated to advancing women’s rights and improving their lives through advocacy, direct action and education.