Camera operator

Camera operator(s) wanted for weekly Sunday services at First Parish in Concord

Weekly tasks include Sunday morning set-up in the church sanctuary, filming and recording the one-hour service (10:00-11:00 am), livestreaming on YouTube, and any preparatory or follow-up tech work needed that morning or during the week.

Must be experienced in filming and audio recording. Must be comfortable running two cameras simultaneously with fades, including real-time audio, while livestreaming. Familiarity with church services helpful but not necessary. Work 5-7 hours per week; $150-200 per week, depending on experience; paid as a contractor.

This position is best shared by two people who could trade off Sunday mornings.

COVID precautions: We will be indoors, masked, and distanced. All worship leaders and choir members are expected to have been vaccinated. The congregation has a high vaccination rate as well.

First Parish in Concord is a liberal Unitarian Universalist congregation that is welcoming to employees who are not religious or follow other religious paths.

Please email Fifi Ball,, for more information and to apply. No phone calls please.