The First Parish Transition Team helps the interim minister take the pulse of the congregation, Throughout the 2-year transition, the team leads events and discussions with the congregation about its past, present and vision for the future of First Parish. [The team is separate from the Search Committee, which will nominate the next settled minister.]  All congregants are encouraged to talk or email Transition Team members with thoughts, concerns and ideas about our transition time.

In addition to Rev. Seth Carrier-Ladd, these are the members of the team:

Mary Ann Barton

Mary Ann Barton joined First Parish twenty years ago when she moved to Maynard. She’s been active in By Your Side Singers, the Pastoral Care Council, UU the Vote, and the Racial Justice Action Group. A retired nonprofit administrator and certified nursing assistant, Mary Ann lives with her husband, Steve Ruzich, two tortoiseshell cats, and many versions of a memoir in progress.

Doug Hardy

doughardy@gmail.comDoug and his spouse Roselyn Romberg joined First Parish in 1996. He served in roles including the Standing Committee, Nominating Committee, Religious Exploration, Annual Pledge campaigns, Minister’s Sounding Board, Small Group Ministry, the Buddhist Group, and many others. Doug sings in the choir and with By Your Side Singers, emcees many events and has co-written and performed in church shows.  Doug was an editor in book, magazine and Internet firms for 20+ years, and since 2002 has written 18 books about management, technology, history, design and personal development.

Carol Harris
Carol Harris has been a member of First Parish since 2009. As a parent of two school aged children she has been actively involved with the RE program, family activities, children’s choirs and Women’s Retreats. Previously Carol served on the RE Council. She excited to help with the transition process. Carol has a technology background having spent many years working in the software development industry.

Eric Moore
Eric Moore has attended First Parish with his spouse Kristin and their daughter Ava since moving to Concord in 2002. Ava is now almost 21 and is doing her junior year of college on Japan.  Eric’s service at First Parish includes acting as leader, co-leader and participant of “Marvelous Mondays” Lenten suppers, Nominating Committee, Annual Pledge campaign, Minister’s Sounding Board, Coming of Age, “Belonging” working group, RE Council, Small Group Ministry, and Youth Group.  Eric works independently in product design and has nearly twenty years’ experience in management functions. He grew up as a UU in a very small congregation in Willingboro, NJ.

Mary Rocheleau
Mary Rocheleau joined First Parish in the spring of 2022, after moving to Concord in the fall of 2020. She is excited for the opportunity to participate in the Transition Team as a new member, both to understand more about the history of the congregation and to support through this change Outside of First Parish, she is the Director of Technology at a software organization focused on global health.