Giving to First Parish
First Parish in Concord welcomes your donations of money or stocks. First Parish is self-sustaining and we rely on our members and friends to fund the majority of our operating budget through pledges.
Pledges and gifts large and small are always welcome. Members and friends of First Parish are asked to pledge each year during the Annual Pledge Campaign. It costs roughly $3,400 per household to run First Parish each year. Compared to some other charitable giving, pledging to First Parish can be more of a financial commitment, but it is one that results in a sense of investment in and commitment to our congregation and all we do.
At First Parish in Concord you can see exactly where your money is going. We post our monthly financial statements and will gladly answer any questions you may have about our fundraising or budget. You may give to First Parish today by clicking on the “Donate Now” or “Pledge Now” button on the left.
Click here for the 2025-26 Pledge Campaign info.