2024-2025 Themes

This year’s overarching frame is The Practices of Our Faith. We’re using this frame to focus on how Unitarian Universalism is a lived faith that inspires us to act out our values in the world. Or to put it another way, we’re diving into our long-loved UU commitment to “deeds not creeds.” Our overarching frame is also a way for us to connect to our new UU core value of Liberating Love, with each of our monthly themes framed as a practice that helps us embody liberating love in our daily lives.

The Practice of…

September: Invitation

October: Deep Listening

November: Repair

December: Presence

January: Story

February: Inclusion

March: Trust

April: Joy

May: Imagination

June: Freedom

Children and teens who are in K/1st to 12th grade start in the 10:00 am service with their families. Following the “Time for All Ages” children and teens will go with their teachers to their gathering space indoors or outdoors depending on the weather. We offer choices of activities and opportunities to connect with different age groups.