Caring Connection


The Caring Connection helps support members and friends of the congregation by making shawls, offering rides, cooking meals, meal delivery, writing cards, or spending time with congregants.



Herb Garden Volunteers


Herb garden volunteers help maintain the Deborah Webster Greeley Herb Garden, located on the lower church grounds beyond the chapel. Through sales of herbs and herbal treats at occasional coffee hours and special fundraisers, and with an annual gift from the Women’s Parish Association, the gardening team provides supplies as needed for the garden. The volunteers participate in several work days during the year, and take responsibility for watering and weeding. If you are interested in helping out in the herb garden, please contact us. The garden is available for receptions and photo opportunities. 

New Member and Visitor Welcomer


Each Sunday during the coffee hour volunteers welcome visitors, answer questions, and, as requested, help people new to the congregation find their way on the path to membership.



Office Support Volunteers


The church office relies upon regular volunteer office staff to assist with answering weekday telephone calls and directing visitors. Additional volunteers are needed to stuff, label, and seal envelopes four to six times per year. If you are interested in a regular spot at the front desk (a 3-hour, recurring shift), or would be willing to substitute for any volunteers when they call out, please email Darien Smith at No prior office experience is required, and a quick rundown of the phone system can be provided.

Ushers and Sound System Operators


The ushers and sound system operators provide assistance at all worship services. Greets those arriving for worship services. Ushers rotate duties, serving once a month; sound system operators supervise the public address system and record the services on CDs.