To reserve space at First Parish, please email Bruce Davidson. In your email request, please indicate

  • Your name
  • Name of the First Parish group or guest organization sponsoring the event
  • Title of the event
  • Date and time of the event, specifying set-up and clean-up times
  • Room(s) requested for the event, if known
  • Number of people expected at the event
  • Other relevant details

Bruce will reply with a space reservation confirmation and/or with additional questions.

If you no longer need a room you’ve reserved, please contact Bruce Davidson promptly to let him know.

If your group or organization would like a list to keep track of all and any necessary steps in planning your event, please use the First Parish Event Preparation Task List.

For details on room use policies and rates, please refer to the most recent Facilities Use Guidelines and Fees.

To inquire about a wedding or memorial service, please contact Rev. Seth Carrier-Ladd.

Floor plan: For reference, here is First Parish’s floor plan.