“We can never be the bearers of love and justice that the world so desperately needs if the foundation that sustains us is still perpetuating the very problem we long to solve.”

Sofia Betancourt, GA 2018



I want to read the COIC’s Final Report – April 2024 – to First Parish.

I want to read the First Parish COIC First Year Report – April 2023. 

I want to read the BLUU 2022 Report on it’s origins and accomplishments.

I’m looking for COIC Anti-Oppression Resources

I want to know more about COIC History

I’m interested in Past Updates (2021 – 2024)


June 2, 2024 Update

The First Parish Commission on Institutional Change (COIC) has completed its charge and no longer meets. We encourage all members of the First Parish community to read our Final Report, which summarizes the work we have accomplished and includes information about what we hope the future will include. We are grateful to all who have helped us in our work. 

Older COIC Updates Are Available HERE.