UUA Annual Fund Letter

Fourth in a series of letters to First Parish about this year’s pledge campaign and appearing as inserts in the Sunday order of service. This one is from March 10. All are being posted on: firstparish.org/campaign.

“We’re living in a … read more.

2019 Pledge Testimonial – CC King

Would you join me in a breath and a sigh?  [all do so]
And in a breath with a roar! [all do so]
And, with a hand on your heart if you wish, a breath with a long ‘yummy yumm’. [all do so].  Thank you.

We … read more.

2019 Pledge Testimonial – Dick Shohet

Sixty years ago this year, emulating Ralph Waldo Emerson, I drove out Route 2 from Cambridge to begin my teaching career at the Peter Bulkley Junior High School on Stow Street. Peter Bulkley was the first minister of First Parish, then more a Calvinist den … read more.

Bottom Line Letter

Third in a series of letters from some First Parish “personalities” about this year’s pledge campaign and appearing as inserts in the Sunday order of service.  This one is from March 3. 
All are being posted on: firstparish.org/campaign.

Dear Parishioner,

Whoopee! … read more.

Comp Letter

Second in a series of letters from some First Parish “personalities” about this year’s pledge campaign and appearing as inserts in the Sunday order of service.  This one is from February 24. All are being posted on: firstparish.org/campaign.


I heard Meeting House has been bending … read more.

Meeting House Letter

Below is the first in a series of letters from various First Parish “personalities” who have some things to say to us about this year’s pledge campaign. Their letters are appearing as blue inserts in the Sunday orders of service. This one from February 17, and … read more.

Snow Closings

Due to forecasted snow, First Parish will close at 2:00 p.m. today, February 12.
All meetings and events after 2:00 p.m. have been cancelled.
The church office will reopen on Wednesday, February 13, at 9:00 a.m.