2020 Pledge Testimonial – Ken Reeves and Jean Chandler

Ken: I support this church financially because you are my extended family, this is my second home, and so I need to keep the lights on. I want to support the staff and all of you who, as my extended family, help raise our daughter and … read more.

Banners Letter

Third  in a series of letters to First Parish about this year’s pledge campaign appearing as inserts in the Sunday order of service. This one is from March 1. All are being posted on: firstparish.org/campaign.


Do you remember when you first realized that you … read more.

Wiring Letter

Second  in a series of letters to First Parish about this year’s pledge campaign and appearing as inserts in the Sunday order of service. This one is from March 1. All are being posted on: firstparish.org/campaign


Can you hear the energy buzzing through this church, the … read more.

Wood Beam Timber Letter

Below is the first in a series of letters from various First Parish “personalities” who have some things to say to us about this year’s pledge campaign. Their letters are appearing as inserts in the Sunday orders of service. This one and subsequent inserts, will also be … read more.

Snow Closure

First Parish will be closed today, December 3, due to snow.
The Open Door service is cancelled as well.
The office will reopen tomorrow at 9:00 a.m.
Have a safe and peaceful snow day!

The Banners Letter

The seventh and final letter in the series from various First Parish “personalities” that have appeared as inserts in the Sunday orders of service. All can be seen at firstparish.org/campaign.


Do you remember when you first realized that you were truly part of our church? … read more.

2019 Pledge Testimonial – Anne Fortier

Hi I am Anne Fortier.

Thirty five years ago, when I first came here, I had been a single mother for many years. My children had entered their teen years and having had a positive church experience as a child, I set out to find a … read more.

2019 Pledge Testimonial – Phil D’Amico and Lisa Bennett

Phil: Good Morning. My name is Phil D’Amico and this is my wife Lisa Bennett. 

We began attending First Parish almost 5 years ago. This was after years of gentle prodding by my childhood friend Carolyn Copp. 

Lisa: Phil was raised Catholic and I wasn’t raised in … read more.

Red Sox Tickets Letter

Below is the fifth in a series of letters to First Parish from some interesting “personalities” about this year’s pledge campaign and appearing as inserts in the Sunday order of service. This one is from March 17. All are posted on: firstparish.org/campaign.


Will it be … read more.