“The Golden Calf”

Rev. Howard N. Dana

First Parish in Concord Sermons
First Parish in Concord Sermons
"The Golden Calf"

“Complaining in the Wilderness”

Rev. Howard N. Dana

First Parish in Concord Sermons
First Parish in Concord Sermons
"Complaining in the Wilderness"

“General Assembly Service”

Join us for the largest annual gathering of UUs joining in worship. This powerful, communal worship experience will stream on uua.org/ga on Sunday, June 28, at 10:00 a.m. EDT, and again at 10:00 a.m. PDT. Members of the public are welcome to view the service.

Each year a talented group of choral singers perform at the Sunday Morning Worship for the General Assembly audience. Learn about joining the GA Choir.

The worship service will include a collection for the Tomaquag Museum, an indigenous museum featuring an extensive collection and archive of Southern New England tribal communities.

“Father’s Day”

First Parish Ministry Team

First Parish in Concord Sermons
First Parish in Concord Sermons
"Father's Day"

“Flower Communion”

First Parish Ministry Team

First Parish in Concord Sermons
First Parish in Concord Sermons
"Flower Communion"

“Blowing in the Wind—What Has Changed in Racial Justice?”

First Parish Ministry Team

First Parish in Concord Sermons
First Parish in Concord Sermons
"Blowing in the Wind—What Has Changed in Racial Justice?"

“A Song Can Hold You Up When It Seems There is No Ground Beneath You.”

Melanie DeMore and First Parish Ministry Team

First Parish in Concord Sermons
First Parish in Concord Sermons
"A Song Can Hold You Up When It Seems There is No Ground Beneath You."

Join song-leader, composer, and teacher, Melanie DeMore, and the First Parish worship leaders for a service of song, reflection, and meditation on the power of song in our lives that will “Hold Everybody Up.”

Please register for the Zoom webinar here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_RrURKQc9R0i6Eq33dVbf6A.

“Memorial Day”

First Parish Ministry Team

First Parish in Concord Sermons
First Parish in Concord Sermons
"Memorial Day"

Today’s Service is Cancelled Due to Technical Difficulties

First Parish Ministry Team

Due to failures on the Zoom Platform, we will not be holding worship service this morning, May 17. We are sorry not to see you. We will have the farewell to Gail service next week.

“Mother’s Day”

First Parish Ministry Team

“Coming of Age”

First Parish Ministry Team

“Grief in Springtime”

First Parish Ministry Team

First Parish in Concord Sermons
First Parish in Concord Sermons
"Grief in Springtime"

“Earth Day”

First Parish Ministry Team

First Parish in Concord Sermons
First Parish in Concord Sermons
"Earth Day"

“Easter Sunday”

First Parish Ministry Team

First Parish in Concord Sermons
First Parish in Concord Sermons
"Easter Sunday"

“Good Friday”

First Parish Ministry Team