Month-to-month governance of the congregation falls to the elected Governing Board (formerly known as the Standing Committee) working in collaboration with the Senior Minister. The Governing Board has nine members plus the Clerk and Treasurer, and members are elected for three-year terms, with the possibility of serving two terms. The Governing Board internally elects its Chair.

All members of the Governing Board have liaison duties to various committees of the church. Additionally, the Governing Board supervises the Senior Minister and evaluates his or her work each year. The Governing Board also evaluates its own work, with input from the Senior Minister.

Unitarian Universalist congregations practice congregational polity, a form of governance for communities of faith. More about our collaborative leadership structure.

The Governing Board, composed of eleven members including the Clerk and the Treasurer, is elected by the First Parish congregation and responsible for strategic visioning and the conduct of its business affairs.


Members At Large

  Gib Metcalf, Chair    
  Virginia Taylor, Vice Chair        
  Jennifer Izzo        
  Lisa Bennett        
  CC King    
  Neil Brock        
  Jim Reynolds    
  Kristin Moore    
  Susan See        


  Kimberley Brainerd, Clerk        
  Leah Russell, Treasurer         
  Tom Wilson, Moderator    


The Governing Board meets monthly on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM. Meetings take place either at First Parish or via Zoom. Members of First Parish are invited to attend.

Click for bios of this year’s (2025) Governing Board

Governing Board Covenant 

Governing Policies

Governing Board 2023 Ends Statement

Meeting Minutes

Belonging Team Report to the Governing Board